National Pastors & Leaders Conference

2025 National Pastors & Leaders Conference

Early bird special

$65 per person | $50 per person groups 10+

Early bird special

$65 per person | $50 per person groups 10+

Meet Our Speakers

Pastor Paul Cannings, D. Phil.

Pastor Paul Cannings, D. Phil.

Dr. Paul Cannings is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Living Word Fellowship Church in Houston, Texas. He is also the Founder and President of Power Walk Ministries, a national and global training resource for clergy and lay leaders.
Pastor Allen Boutte

Pastor Allen Boutte

Allen Boutte was called to the ministry in 1968 after several years of addiction. After he accepted Christ, he began attending Houston Bible Institute and Rapha Christina Counseling, where he received a Christian Counseling Certificate from First Baptist in Pasadena, TX.
Min. Brandon Crenshaw

Min. Brandon Crenshaw

Brandon Crenshaw is a native of Houston, Texas. The husband to Ashlee Crenshaw for twelve years and they have a daughter, Olivia, who’s nine years old. He is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary with a master’s in Christian education.
Sis. Cynthia Rose

Sis. Cynthia Rose

Cynthia Rose is the wife of Minister Darrell Rose for 40 blessed years. They have raised two adult girls, two young adult sons and have 3 grandchildren they adore and love spending time with. Cynthia is an entrepreneur and business owner in financial billing and receivables for 30 years.
Dr. D. Earl Lewis

Dr. D. Earl Lewis

Dr. D. Earl Lewis assumed the role of Senior Pastor of Greater Oak Grove Baptist Church, Houston, TX., in November 2003, the same church in which he grew up. He is the former Dean of Students at the College of Biblical Studies (CBS), Houston, TX., where he holds a B.S. in Christian Leadership
Min. Darrell Rose

Min. Darrell Rose

Min. Darrell Rose has been on staff at Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church as an Associate Pastor and Director of Maturity for the past 16 years. He obtained a Master of Biblical Counseling from Masters University and Seminary in Santa Clarita, California.
Pastor Duane Lawrence

Pastor Duane Lawrence

Duane Lawrence serves as Associate Pastor of Shepherding, Children, and Evangelism Ministry at Living Word Fellowship Church. He is the Founder/Director of Train Up a Child Seminars and has taught a Teacher Training Tract at the College of Biblical Studies (Houston).
Sis. Eleanor Wilson

Sis. Eleanor Wilson

Eleanor Wilson received the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour at twelve and wants everyone to know “He is” the Center of her joy! She is a mother of three exceptional adult children, Nicole, Craig, and Jarrid, two “daughters in love,” Racquel and Ashley, .
Pastor Eric Levels

Pastor Eric Levels

Eric Levels is characterized as a man who is after the mission and moving of God in the lives of others. He devotes his professional and personal life to inspiring and instructing others to pursue God’s plan and purpose for their lives.
Sis. Gail O’Neal

Sis. Gail O’Neal

Gail O’Neal has been a member of Living Word Fellowship Church for thirty (30) years, during which time she has served in many different ministries. She began working at Living Word as a part-time office manager.
Min. Ian Moore

Min. Ian Moore

Ian Moore serves as the Men’s Ministry Coordinator at Living Word Fellowship Church, where he is dedicated to empowering men to grow spiritually and lead with integrity in their families, churches, and communities.
Min. Jeffrey Allen

Min. Jeffrey Allen

Min. Jeffrey Allen is the Director of Ministry Development and Family Ministries at Living Word Fellowship Church in Houston, Texas, where he oversees the Marriage, Women, Men, Biblical Counseling, and Finance Ministries.
Pastor Jordan Washington

Pastor Jordan Washington

Jordan Washington serves as the youth minister and Discipleship Director at Living Word Fellowship Church. Jordan has been serving at Living Word since 2016. He is the Emerging Leaders Discipleship Associate at the College of Biblical Studies.
Dr. Aaron Lavender

Dr. Aaron Lavender

Dr. Aaron E. Lavender is a Certified Church Consultant with 40 years of pastoral ministry experience. He served six years as Senior Pastor of Grace Bible Church, Charleston, WV, and thirty-four years as Senior Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, Greater Kansas City, MO.
Dr. Lawrence Scott

Dr. Lawrence Scott

Dr. Lawrence Scott is the planting and Lead Pastor of One Church @ Harvest Point. He has extensive ministry experience, having held various positions in the local church. Apart from leading One Church @ Harvest Point, Pastor Scott is also a Church Consultant and trainer.
Pastor Lee Skinner

Pastor Lee Skinner

Lee Skinner For 34 years Lee Skinner has pastored the members of Good Shepherd Missionary Baptist Church in Northeast Houston, TX. He and his wife, Marcia have been married for 42 years; they are the proud parents of one son, Stefan.
Pastor Michael W. Boston

Pastor Michael W. Boston

Michael W. Boston, Sr., is the Senior Pastor/Teacher of Conquerors Bible Fellowship Church in Pearland, TX [aka The Pearl of Pearland]; a church he started 28 years ago.
Pastor Pierre Cannings, Ph.D.

Pastor Pierre Cannings, Ph.D.

Dr. Pierre Cannings is the Dean of the Dalla Theological Seminary Houston campus and the Executive Assistant Pastor at Living Word Fellowship Church in Houston, Texas.
Sis. Shani Smothers

Sis. Shani Smothers

Shani Smothers is the Marketing Director of Living Word Fellowship Church in Houston, TX. She is a talented writer, editor, thinker, researcher, and creator.
 Sylvia Edwards

Sylvia Edwards

Sylvia Edwards is a retired teacher/principal and the loving wife of 51 years to Robert G. Edwards, Sr. She is the mother, grandmother and great-grandmother of 17 beautiful angels. She currently serves as the Children’s Director of Living Word Fellowship Church.
Pastor T. O’Brian Berry

Pastor T. O’Brian Berry

Pastor T. O'Brian Berry is the Senior Pastor of Greater True Light Missionary Baptist Church. He is the eldest of two boys (Bertrand D. Berry) born to Theophilus Berry Jr. and Mable Berry.
Pastor Keith Treadwell

Pastor Keith Treadwell

Keith Treadwell has been married to his loving wife, Lydia, for 45 years. He is the proud dad of their daughter, Rachel, a Son-in-law, Leonard, and papa to three grandchildren, Gabrielle, Nigel, and Logan.
Sis. Valarie Miller

Sis. Valarie Miller

Valarie Miller is originally from Oklahoma City, Ok. She holds a B.S. in Christian Leadership, a B.A. in Biblical Counseling from the College of Biblical Studies, and an M.A. in Counseling from Prairie View A&M University out of Houston, TX.
Dr. Victor Clay

Dr. Victor Clay

Dr. Victor Clay is a native of St. Louis, Missouri, and the Senior Pastor of Dynamic Life Baptist Ministries. He holds a BA in Business Management from Northwest Missouri State University, an AA and BA from Carver Baptist Bible College and Institute,.
Pastor Willard Allen

Pastor Willard Allen

Pastor Willard Allen was called to preach the Gospel in early 1994 and was licensed by his father the late Pastor Therie Washington of Nazarene Baptist Church and ordained on August 27, 1999.
Theme: “The Way Forward”
Thursday Night – April 3, 2025
Evening Sessions Topic Conducted By
7:00 – 8:15 pm The Church and Mental Health Issues Min. Darrell Rose, Marriage Counselor
Designing Ministries that Effectively Attract and Grow Millennials Pierre Cannings, Ph.D., Dean of Dallas Theological Seminary Houston, Executive Assistant Pastor Living Word Fellowship Church
How to Build a Ministry Amid Uninspired Leadership Dr. Lawrence Scott, Pastor of One Church @ Harvest Point
Growing Your Church Through Marketing Shani Smothers, Marketing Director, Living Word Fellowship Church
Teaching Techniques that Keep Young People Engaged Jordan Washington, Youth Pastor, Living Word Fellowship Church
Effective Teaching Methods for Transforming the Lives of Children Sis. Sylvia Edwards, Children’s Ministry Director, Living Word Fellowship Church

Night Session
Pastor Paul Cannings, D.Phil.
God’s Expectations for Biblical Leaders

Friday Day Sessons – April 4, 2025
Continental Breakfast – 7:30-8:30am
Morning Sessons Topic Conducted By
8:45 – 9:45 am Church Planting Dr. Lawrence Scott, Pastor of One Church @ Harvest Point
Making an Impact as Leaders Pastor Lee Skinner, Good Shepherd Baptist Church
Moving Your Church from Surviving to Thriving Pastor Theophilus Berry, Greater True Light Baptist Church
Revitalizing Ministries from Status Quo Dr. D. Earl Lewis, Pastor of Greater Oak Grove Baptist Church
Counseling Techniques for Restoring Broken Marriages Min. Darrell and Sis. Cynthia Rose, Marriage Counselors.
Growing Your Church Through Marketing Shani Smothers, Marketing Director, Living Word Fellowship Church
Organizing Youth Leadership to Effectively Minister to Needs of Youth Min. Brandon Crenshaw, Dallas Theological Seminary Houston Admissions Counselor
10:00 – 11:00 am Church Planting Dr. Lawrence Scott, Pastor of One Church @ Harvest Point
Leadership and Diversity Dr. Victor Clay, Pastor of Dynamic Life Baptist Ministries
Counseling Young People Who Believe They Are Gay Jordan Washington, Youth Pastor, Living Word Fellowship Church
Social Media and the Church
(“Reaching People who may never come to church but are still seeking God”)
Shani Smothers, Marketing Director , Living Word Fellowship Church
Moving from Traditionalism to Biblio-Centric Ministry Dr. Earl Lewis, Pastor of Greater Oak Grove Baptist Church
Designing and Training a Leadership Team for Women's Ministry Eleanor Wilson and Team, Women’s Ministry, Living Word Fellowship Church
11:15 am – 12:15 pm Developing Leadership Skills for Productive Results Pastor Keith Treadwell, Ocean Avenue Baptist Church
Overcoming Stagnation in Ministry Dr. D. Earl Lewis, Pastor of Greater Oak Grove Baptist Church
Cultivating A Healthy and Productive Team Environment Dr. Aaron Lavender, Director of Reshape Ministry
General Principles for Developing Effective Counseling Skills Min. Jeffery Allen, Director of Family Ministries, Living Word Fellowship Church
Physiological & Psychological Effects of Alcohol & Drugs Pastor Allen Boutte, The Reach Director, Living Word Fellowship Church
Growing Your Church Through Marketing Shani Smothers, Marketing Director, Living Word Fellowship Church
The Hebrew Israelite Movement and the Church Jordan Washington, Youth Pastor, Living Word Fellowship Church
12:30 – 1:30
Luncheon Speaker – Pastor Paul Cannings, D. Phil. Subject: Life-Changing Leadership
Afternoon Sessions Topic Conducted By
1:45 – 2:45pm Church Planting Dr. Lawrence Scott, Pastor of One Church @ Harvest Point
Recruiting and Training Leaders that are Transformers Dr. Victor Clay, Pastor of Dynamic Life Baptist Ministries
Using Technology to Enhance Ministry Shani Smothers, Marketing Director Living Word Fellowship Church
Discipling Leaders to be Godly Leaders Pastor Lee Skinner, Good Shepherd Baptist Church
Moving the Church from Ineffective Leadership to Effective Leadership Pastor Keith Treadwell, Ocean Avenue Baptist Church
Overseeing the Day-to-Day Operations of a Church Office Gail O’Neal, Executive Assistant, Living Word Fellowship Church
3:00 – 4:00 pm The Art of Leadership Delegation Dr. Aaron Lavender, Director of Reshape Ministry
Traditional Leadership Verses a New Testament Leadership Model Dr. D. Earl Lewis, Pastor of Greater Oak Grove Baptist Church
Developing Effective Leadership Skills Pastor Keith Treadwell, Ocean Avenue Baptist Church
Redesigning Ministries to Attract Involvement and Development Dr. Victor Clay, Pastor of Dynamic Life Baptist Ministries
Develop Strategic Methods to Keep Youth Focused on God Jordan Washington, Youth Pastor, Living Word Fellowship Church
The Biblical Approach to Resolving Conflict in the Church Pastor Paul Cannings, D.Phil.
Using Canva for Marketing & Ministry Shani Smothers, Marketing Director, Living Word Fellowship Church
Saturday – April 5, 2025
Morning Sessions Topic Conducted By
8:45 – 9:45 am Strategically Developing a Viable Vision for a Small Church Pastor Paul Cannings, D.Phil.
The Church and Mental Health Issues Min. Darrell Rose, Marriage Counselor
Dealing with Difficult People While Progressing in Ministry Pastor Keith Treadwell, Ocean Avenue Baptist Church
Pastor and Deacons Functioning Under the Lordship of Christ Pastor Willard Allen, First Mt. Olive Baptist Church
Designing and Developing a Contemporary Worship Service Pastor Eric Levels, Salem Missionary Baptist Church
Enhancing the Media Ministry in Sunday Worship Shani Smothers, Marketing Director, Living Word Fellowship Church
Attitude that Leads to Success Pastor Lee Skinner, Good Shepherd Baptist Church
Counseling Young People Who Believe They Are Gay Jordan Washington, Youth Pastor, Living Word Fellowship Church
Training Lay Leaders for Biblical Counseling Valarie Miller, Missions Director, Living Word Fellowship Church
Women’s Ministries – Pitfalls and Possibilities – Limitations and Liabilities Eleanor Wilson and Team, Women’s Ministry, Living Word Fellowship Church
Men’s Ministries – Pitfalls and Possibilities – Limitations and Liabilities Min. Ian Moore, Men’s Ministry Coordinator, Living Word Fellowship Church
10:00 – 11:30am Traits of Successful Biblical Leaders Dr. Victor Clay, Pastor of Dynamic Life Baptist Ministries
Balancing Life, Home, and Ministry Pastor Lee Skinner, Good Shepherd Baptist Church
The Church and Community Impact Pastor Allen Boutte, The Reach Director, Living Word Fellowship Church
Church Growth and Evangelism Pastor Duane Lawrence, Associate Pastor of Shepherding, Living Word Fellowship Church
Servant Leadership Pastor Michael Boston, Sr., Conquerors Bible Fellowship Church
How do you Overcome Elijah Moments Pastor Keith Treadwell, Ocean Avenue Baptist Church
Designing Ministries that Effectively Attract and Grow Millennials Dr. Lawrence Scott, Pastor of One Church @ Harvest Point
The Titus Woman: Women Mentoring Other Women Valarie Miller, Missions Director, Living Word Fellowship Church
Gender Issues and the Church Jordan Washington, Youth Pastor, Living Word Fellowship Church
Designing a Children’s Ministry Sylvia Edwards, Children’s Ministry Director, Living Word Fellowship Church

Panel Discussion 11:45 – 12:45 pm

1.00 - 2.30 pm LUNCH Luncheon Speaker – Pastor Paul Cannings, D.Phil.



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